Dead Sea Benefits


The Healing Powers of the Dead Sea

The salt and minerals found in the Dead Sea provide immense benefits to skin and body. Each mineral offers unique value and when combined together, these essential minerals and salts are a powerhouse for maximum skin and body health.

Magnesium is considered the wonder mineral of our time being the best natural remedy since it has been reported that the world population in general has magnesium deficiencies, due to the modern diet as well as depletion of minerals in our soils, making magnesium supplementation necessary for most people.

Bromide: Bromide has a calming effect on the muscles and skin.  It soothes the skin while working to ease tense and stiff muscles, calming the nerves and providing an overall relaxed feeling.             

Sulfur: Sulfur is another essential mineral in optimal body function.  As the third most present mineral in the body, sulfur acts as a detoxifying and rejuvenating agent for skin and muscles by reducing inflammation and alleviating muscle fatigue.

Potassium: Potassium is a wonder mineral when it comes to skin health and acts by nourishing skin cells and promoting a balance of moisture and hydration.  Potassium also stimulates the growth of new skin cells thus leaving a younger and fresher looking skin.

Calcium:  Calcium is also essential to the growth of new skin cells and therefore vital to ideal skin well-being.  Additionally, calcium helps the skin to maintain proper moisture levels and has been associated with invigorating the antioxidant levels in skin cells, fighting aging of the skin and wrinkles.

Sodium: Sodium is crucial in maintaining the appropriate balance of hydration in the body as well as a key element in relieving muscle cramps.  Sodium is also great for detoxification and the elimination of toxins from the skin and body.

Zinc: This versatile mineral is very important in cultivating the health of the skin and hair.  Zinc can be used to relieve a variety of skin ailments and is a natural anti-inflammatory.  It can also be used to help soothe the symptoms of psoriasis, sunburns, and other skin conditions.  Zinc is also essential for supporting hair health by stimulating hair follicle growth and preventing early graying of the hair.